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About Gordzama

Gordzama, Giorgi Gordzamashvili was born on 23/03/1990 in Tbilisi, Georgia.

He graduated from 75th public school in Tbilisi.

From 1997 to 2007 he was studying sculpting in Tbilisi Art school.

In 2011 he graduated from Tbilisi State Academy of Art with Bachelor's degree in sculpting.

In 2013 he got Master's degree in sculpting from Tbilisi State Academy of Art.

During his studies he participated in many symposiums for sculptors and in international exhibitions and competitions.

From 2014 till today he has been working in film industry as Production Designer and Art Director.

In 2014 he established art studio "Pergeni"- till today they together work in film industry, commercial production and they do decorations for many different kind of events.

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